Club Notes 10/1/2018

2018 Membership Subscriptions Due Now!
Please follow link …
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3 cars have been broken into in the club car park over the last 3 weeks.
We would ask everyone not to leave valuables in their cars while attending the club.
We are working on ways to improve security.
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Job Opportunities in Bank of Ireland
Our Club sponsors Bank of Ireland have a number of vacancies for Welcome Advisors and other positions in the Dublin region.
To see this and other opportunities within Bank of Ireland please follow the link below:
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Lotto Results 8/1/2018
Numbers drawn were 10-13-16-18
Jackpot of €2,500 not won!
€100 cash winners are John Kiernah c/o Sunday Dance & Paul O’Neill.
Next jackpot is €2,650