All Stars

Inclusive Club Initiative- “All-Stars Club Program”

Friday 5pm in the Club on our All Weather pitch. Occasionally, moved to the hall in Ard Scoil Rís if the weather is bad! All welcome, just rock up! If you want to double check if it is on then email [email protected]

This very special initiative was set up for children with special needs aged 9yrs -12yrs. The main objective is to include children that cannot take part in a typical team game, assisting them with ball skills, exercise, and of course, fun and enjoyment in a safe environment.

Another important goal for us is to promote the ethos of inclusion in our community and the club. The group is child-centered with an emphasis on keeping our children and young people safe when they come to our sessions.

All of the coaches adhere to best practices coaching quailicaftions and are all Garda vetted, and have received Child Protection training and completed Active Disability ireland training.