GAA Mouthguards Study

We are delighted to be taking part in a research study on mouthguard compliance, and on the adequacy of mouth guards worn by children aged 9-16 playing Gaelic football in Ireland.  This study is being carried out by Dr Elaine Shore, a postgraduate specialist trainee in Pediatric Dentistry at the Dublin Dental University Hospital as part of a doctoral thesis. The study is been overseen by Dr. Anne O’Connell, Associate Professor and Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry.

Ethical approval for this study has been obtained from the Faculty of Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee at Trinity College Dublin (Statement), and is being backed by the GAA (letter of support) and LGFA (letter of support).

We’d like as many juvenile members to take part as possible. The research will take place on the evenings of Tuesday 1 October and Thursday 3rd of October. An information leaflet provided by Dr. Shore for the child can be downloaded here.

Parents: We need your input too. The study is also looking at parents attitudes towards mouth guards, so if you can take part, we’d appreciate it. Of course, you’ll need to give your consent for your child to take part.

So, parents here’s what we’re asking:

  1. if you’re willing to allow your child to take part, if you could print and sign the consent form and give it to your child to bring training on Tuesday or Thursday.
  2. If you’d like to take part too, print and sign the consent form and bring it along with you on Tuesday or Thursday.

Juvenile Members, here’s what we’re asking:

  1. After your training session on Tuesday or Thursday, head into the clubhouse with your mouthguard and consent form.

Folks: If downloading and printing is a problem, don’t worry – there will be forms to sign on the night.


Thanks for your participation.