Are you considering joining St. Vincents, or have a child who’d like to join? Here’s all you need to know.
An bhfuil tú ag smaoineamh ar a bheith linn nó an bhfuil páiste agat ar mhaith leis/léi a bheith páirteach linn? Tá an t-eolas ar fad anseo.
We cater for all age groups and capabilities, and are always welcoming new members.
Juvenile games begin at mini leagues (ages 4-7) and continue up to Under 16. We follow the ethos of the GAA Player Pathway; Children are initially introduced to Gaelic games with an emphasis on fun (“Learn to play”). As the child progresses through their teen years they take on more competitive games (“Play to compete”). After Juvenile, they progress to the adult games (“Compete to win”).
Tosaíonn cluichí na n-óg leis na mion-sraitheanna (mini leagues) (aois 4-7) agus leanann siad ar aghaidh go dtí Faoi 16. Leanaimid éiteas Conair Imreoirí na gCluichí Gaelacha (CLG Player Pathway): Cuirtear cluichí Gaelacha i láthair na bpáistí ar dtús le béim ar spraoi (Learn to Play). De réir mar a théann an páiste ar aghaidh trí na déaga éiríonn na cluichí níos iomaíche (Play to Compete). Tar éis leibhéal na n-ógánach bíonn an iomaíocht dírithe ar buachtaint (Compete to win).
Mini Leagues.
Mini Leagues. Mini leagues is for boys and girls, aged between 4 and 7. It runs from 10:30 am to 12:00pm 11.30pm every Saturday.
Mini Leagues. Tá na mion léigeanna dírithe ar bhuachaillí agus chailíní, idir 4 agus 7 mbliana d’aois. Bíonn sé ar siúl óna 10:30 r.n go dtí na 11.30 r.n gach Satharn.
There’s no need to ring ahead; simply turn up and give your name.
Mini leagues is a great way to introduce your child to Football, Camogie and Hurling and is always focused on having fun. Groups are kept small to ensure every child gets to enjoy themselves, and each week someone gets a medal for the effort they put in.
Níl aon gá clárú leis an gClub roimh réidh. Tar ar an lá agus tabhair ainm do pháiste ag an gclárú. Is slí iontach é na mion léigeanna le do pháiste a chur ar an eolas faoi chúrsaí peile, Camógaíochta agus Iománaíochta agus bíonn sé dírithe i gcónaí ar an spraoi agus an chraic. Baintear leas as grúpaí beaga chun oiliúint a chuir ar na páistí agus le cinntiú go mbainfidh gach páiste taitneamh as an traenáil.
Registration costs €20, and each child is given a Hurley with a grip to keep. Weekly subs are €2 which covers balls, equipment etc. If you want to ensure GAA is for your child, turn up and give them a go. We’ll not chase you for registration fee until you’re happy your child likes it.
Cosnaíonn sé €20 le do pháiste a chlárú agus tugtar camán do gach páiste le greamán camáin ar. Tá €2 le díol gach seachtain ina dhiaidh sin le costas liathróidí, trealamh srl a chlúdach. Muna bhfuil tú cinnte go dtaitneoidh an traenáil le do pháiste tar agus bain trial as saor in aisce.
Ní bheidh ort díol go bhfuil tú sásta go bhfuil do pháiste compordach agus sásta leanúint linn ar bhonn leanúnach.
Mini leagues are run by a team of 30 coaches, all of whom are trained and Garda Vetted.
Tá meitheal de 30 cóitseálaí a ritheann na mion-leaganacha agus iad go léir oilte agus ghrinnfhiosrúchán an Gharda Síochána déanta acu go léir.
For older children, we field teams at U8 up to U16 for both boys and girls and most teams have multiple squads (ie. A/B/C teams); this means no matter what the age or level, there will be a place for your child. No experience is necessary. We have Football, Hurling, Ladies Football and Camogie at all levels.
I gcás páistí níos sine, tá foirne againn ó F8 suas go dtí F16 do bhuachaillí agus do chailíní agus tá níos mó na fhoireann amháin againn ag gach aois ghrúpa (i.e foireann A/B/C); ciallaíonn sé seo is cuma cén aois nó leibhéal atá i gceist, beidh áit ann do do pháiste. Níl aon taithí imeartha riachtanach. Tá Peil, Iománaíocht, Peil na mBan agus Camógaíocht againn ag gach leibhéal.
If you’re interested in joining a juvenile team, drop a mail to our games promotion officer at [email protected], and we’ll connect you to the relevant mentor.
Más suim leat do pháiste a bheith mar bhall d’fhoireann faoi aois, seol ríomhphost chuig Nicole ag [email protected] agus cuirfidh sí i dteagmháil leis an meantóir cuí tú.
Under the rules of the GAA, all playing members from U8 to U18 need to be registered members in order to take place in competition. Membership fees cover insurance, membership of the GAA, and club fees. Individual teams also take weekly or monthly subs to cover balls, equipment, etc.
The following fee structure is in place:
Go Games (U8 to U10): €75.00
Juvenile Player (U11 to 18 years old): €132.00.
Adult Teams
St. Vincents field a number of teams in the adult section. No matter what your level, there is a team for you!
Minor Football And Hurling
Minor football and hurling is played by young adults (aged 16 or 17) prior to entering adult divisions. We have Minor A and B team in Hurling, an A, B and C squad for Football.
The minor Camogie season is a short season which is put together once the juvenile championships end. In 2018, we fielded a Minor A and B team for Minor Camogie.
Adult Football
We have a Senior Football (who play in Adult Football League Div 1), Intermediate (AFL3), Junior (AFL7), and an AFL11 (Dublin North) team.
Adult Hurling
We have a Senior Hurling team (who play in Adult Hurling League 1), Intermediate (who play in AHL4), Junior (Who play in AHL6)
Adult Camogie
We field 4 Adult Camogie teams
Senior, who play in Division 1
Intermediate, who play in Division 2
Junior, who play in Division 4
Senior 7, who play in Division 7.
These teams are known as “Senior 1”, “Senior 2”, “Senior 4” and “Senior 7”
If you want to join an adult team, drop a note to [email protected] and we’ll put you in contact with the correct mentor.
Full Adult playing fees are €220.00.
Transferring from another club.
If you are registered with another club, you’ll need to follow the rules on inter-club transfer. See details on this page for more information.