Fógra: All Ireland Ticket Allocation

A chairde, We find ourselves in the enviable position of having our county in another All Ireland Final. Tickets for the All-Ireland Final do not go on general sale, rather they are distributed through clubs.
Our ticket allocation is always far short of the demand in the club, so tickets are offered to members through a draw mechanism.
Our draw will take place on Friday August 23rd at 9pm in the Club Bar.
Entry is open to all adult full and social members of the club (Note: Adult Family members are classed as full members).
Please note that if your name is called out of the draw, you will be given the opportunity to purchase a single stand (€90) or terrace (€45) ticket while availability lasts. Cash only will be accepted on the night.
Members who wish to be entered into the draw should email [email protected]. Closing date for entries is Wednesday August 21st.